Compliance with laws is one of the basic standards of RJP perfect spedition s.r.o.. The company's management ensures compliance with all applicable laws, regulations, rules and norms.
Good working relationships are the basis of successful cooperation and development of the company. Therefore, when performing tasks and negotiating with his colleagues, he must not violate the following rules:
Employees must also represent the company in extracurricular activities so as not to damage or denigrate the company's good name.
Managers are responsible for overseeing and monitoring compliance with this Code of Ethics by their subordinates. It regularly evaluates employees in relation to the company's values, which are:
It a goal of the company's management is to comply with the rules of fair competition. All employees are familiar with the rules for adherence to responsible conduct, namely that there must be no exchange of information between companies or with competition regarding pricing policy, contracting or other illegal practices.
Employees may not provide any gifts, payments and rewards, etc. to employees of other companies or organizations that have a business relationship with the company (customer or supplier).
Company RJP has no activities for the benefit of political parties or individual politicians. Employees may not make any political contributions on behalf of the company. The company provides only such financial contributions and gifts that do not affect the business activities of the company.
At the same time, RJP management requires its suppliers to adhere to the principles of this Code of Conduct. This document is part of the contractual relationship or documented on request when ordering goods and services.
RJP protects its commercial and intellectual property and respects the rights of others. Employees are informed of this fact and may not make it available without permission.
RJP's financial records are in accordance with accounting policies. The company's financial statements are regularly subject to an accounting audit.
Employees must not support situations where conflicts of interest could arise. Therefore, they are obliged when dealing with customers and suppliers, or Other stakeholders to act professionally and according to set rules.
RJP's management has a significant and strong relationship with all its employees, based on mutual respect and dignity. The working conditions offered to employees meet the requirements of strict legal standards and regulations.
The company's management focuses on:
Employees are obliged to keep confidential information about their co-workers and the company's intentions within their employment even after its termination. All non-public information, the disclosure or disclosure of which could benefit competition or harm the company, employees, suppliers and customers, is considered to be sensitive information.
Employees must pay attention to the protection of company property and its effective use. Theft, irresponsible treatment or waste have a direct impact on the company's business results. Any suspected abuse or theft must be reported and investigated. Company property may not be used for private business activities, but incidental or privately permitted private use by the Company is permitted. The employee's obligation to protect the company's assets also applies to information and intangible assets. Unauthorized use or distribution of such information and intangible assets is a serious violation of labor rules. In addition, such use or distribution may be illegal and may result in private or criminal penalties.
The company complies with all regulations related to environmental protection. In all its activities, the company strives to protect the environment. In connection with the protection of the environment and the application of the principles of environmental management, the company strives to involve the supplier in the implementation of services with the support of reducing air emissions. At the same time, it focuses on the regular sorting and collection of waste generated during the company's activities. Other activities are directed to regular public events related to nature conservation.
V Ostravě 31.05.2020
Peter Špilák, Director
Violation of the code of ethics: If any of the employees violates the code of ethics of RJP, disciplinary measures may be taken in accordance with legal regulations.